MADRIX Forum • MixerControl::Start,SearchActiveControllD() failed
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MixerControl::Start,SearchActiveControllD() failed

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:57 am
by ctothej
Good Day,

Cant get any audio sent to Madrix...probably a sound card issue, I a using and E-MU 1616...It uses a program PatchMix DSP as mixing software for routing all the audio signals. I get the warning message listed in the subject line when i hit the audio input analyzer button....never shows any signal being received.

I also get the edit

GetVolume, GetVolumeFRomLineD() failed

if i kill the audio output on my soundcard....any ideas?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:20 am
by Wissmann
OK, some words to the use of Audio and MADRIX.
MADRIX use the default capture device which is set up in the system.
Next when you start the audio function from MADRIX the software try to figure out which mixer control (means which mixer line and which approbriate volume slider control) is used.
Sometimes and unfortunately this happens more and more often the manufactorers of the audio hardware do not implement the mixer control correct so MADRIX have no success to rich the correct mixer control.
In this cases you get this kind of errors like you have.
Please try to set up the input volume in your system for the recording device you set up in the system as default.
Please, could you send us your logfile to
For the future we working on the solution to set up the capture device in MADRIX sepparat from the system and also we try to find a solution about the mixer control. Unfortunately the way is in Windows XP and Windows Vista different, therefor we need some time.

Re: MixerControl::Start,SearchActiveControllD() failed

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:46 am
by Wissmann
Since version 2.7 MADRIX owns a new audio engine with a complete new mixer control which improved the handling of all audio devices as like as ASIO devices since version 2.9.