MADRIX Forum • Quick Reload
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Quick Reload

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:32 pm
by milfriez
I would like a key (on gui or MIDI programmable) that would allow for default stage of effect to load. For example you have 30 different effects, while performing live you alter effect A then fade to transition B. I would like a way to push a button and reload the original effect A state, with all settings back to the original. (You can accomplish this now by going to "open" and select the effect that was in that storage area, but I would like an instant reload option if possible, because once you make changes, there is no way to remember how the effect looked originally without reloading it) Also would be handy if you change an effect too much and you want the original state back.

Also would like an Axiom25 MIDI Map. I have been working on one for a while, but something seems to be off. When I assign keys the way they are assigned with the default MIDI keyboard, Storage places are playing on the wrong side. If someone could lend a hand with us, or just pass on a MIDI map for an Axiom 25 that would be great.

Thank you,