Madrix 3.2 and astronomical cues

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Madrix 3.2 and astronomical cues

Post by cinetron »

I am using Madrix 3.2 to control an 18 universe installation of LED piels using streaming ACN . I want to use sunrise and sunset as a cue. I was dissapointed to find MADRIX 3.2 doesn't include this as a cue trigger. What is the best workaround for this? Can I put the equations in a script which would trigger different cues on different days at sunset for example. If this wouldn't work can anyone recommend another program I can run on the same machine that would trigger cues via ArtNet for example . I realize I could probably use a Plexus or something similar for this but it seems silly considering there is lots of computing power available in Madrix 3.2 to be able to do this. Thanks for any suggestions.
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Re: Madrix 3.2 and astronomical cues

Post by Guertler »

Hello cinetron,
You can create cues in the cuelist which starts at the sunrise respectifly at the sunset. Therefor you have to create a main output macro which starts a special cue at the sunset or sunrise.
At the moment the functions are not documented - sorry. In the release of MADRIX 3.3 you will find the functions in the MADRIX Script Help and Manual.
The functions which you will need to get the time for the sunset is called:
time t = GetTimeSunsetCity(date, city)
time t = GetTimeSunset(d, LatitudeDegree, LatitudeMinute, LongitudeDegree, LongitudeMinute, UTC)
and the functions which you will need to get the time for sunrise is called:
time t = GetTimeSunriseCity(d, city)
time t = GetTimeSunrise(d, LatitudeDegree, LatitudeMinute, LongitudeDegree, LongitudeMinute, UTC)
The variable t is from data type time, the variable d is from type date, the variable city is a constant of type city, the variables LatitudeDegree, LatitudeMinute, LongitudeDegree, LongitudeMinute are from data type integer and the variable UTC is from type float.